Tea tree oil is a wonderful substance and a powerful antiseptic; it has many uses in our everyday life. Being the most researched of the essential oils, it has become very popular in the past years. However there are still many things to discover about it.
Many people think that the subject of essential oils is predictable and does not require specialization, but nothing is further from the truth. Each essential oil must be understood in its own context, in its own history and the buyer or the manufacturer should be aware of this in order to make good decisions when purchasing it. Perhaps some companies believe that they don't need counseling for this, but I encourage them to see things from another point of view and request a qualified advisor on these issues.
About the Course
In this course you will learn the health benefits of tea tree oil, its composition, adulteration and analysis. All this with material and technical data granted by Tony Larkman, CEO of ATTIA.
We will provide you with compared and analyzed samples that will help you identify quality indicators. As a result, you will be able to obtain and select an optimal product for your business.
Original idea, redaction and responsible for the project: Begoña Sánchez
What they have never told you about tea tree oil is now at your disposal! A world of discoveries awaits you!
To begin the course, just click on the lessons below.
Para estudiar este curso en español, haz clic aquí.
Hola Begoña
He intentado ver el curso del árbol de te,pero no sé que hago mal,no puedo abrirlo.
Tu curso es en español, estás intentando abrir éste, que es en inglés. Un abrazo
Deseo hacer este curso de árbol de té pero en español por favor ,cómo accedo? gracias
Hola Vanessa, en el apartado cursos están todos. Este es el español, es exactamente el mismo curso con diferente título:
Muchas gracias por tu interés. UN SALUDO
Hola! estoy intentando acceder a este curso y no he podido.
Me gustaría hacerlo para tener idea de como son tus cursos, ya que hay varios que me interesan.
Hola Isabel, sólo tienes que pinchar en el título de cada lección. Está abierto gratuitamente. Elige mejor la versión española, no sé si la has visto. UN SALUDO